chicha30BISHAMON, Kyoto region, close to 400 years old. Wood with Glass eyes, Polychrome , natural pigments. H 54" W 25" D 19" SOLD
Japanese artwork, Tamonten is most commonly shown holding a stupa in his right hand, a weapon in the left, and standing atop a demon (sometimes two). However, his iconography is not rigidly prescribed. He may be shown in Chinese fashion with left hand on hip, or standing atop earth-goddessJiten and flanked by two demon attendants or holding the pagoda in his left hand But such latter depictions of Tamonten are relatively rare in Japan. The Jiten / Demon format, for instance, is predominantly assigned to independently worshipped Tobatsu Bishamon. "
He is a Museum piece and thats probably where he will end up. He is from the Kyoto region and over 400 years old. Wood / Polychrome. Natural pigments.

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